Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Payton is 15!!!!!!!

All the girls hanging out while Payton checks her loot!
Payton turned 15 on Saturday the 21st! She had a party with a few friends.  She has become quite the baker and made her own cupcakes for the party and our gift to her was more baking supplies:)
Fun cupcake trays!

Payton is ready to open a bakery...anybody need treats?

Kevin took her to get her permit on Monday! Yes folks she is on the roads....Watch out!
It is hard to believe that our "little" 8lb, 4oz baby is about to start high school and will be driving this time next year:) She is turning into a beautiful young woman right before our eyes and we couldn't be happier. Happy Birthday Payteeee!

Senoir Prom and our sweet Shelby!

Shelby and Jerome Senior Prom 2012
Shelby went to Senior Prom this weekend with her good friend Jerome! Friday was their "Day Date", a fun hike up the canyon and a BBQ that evening:) Saturday was the big day with Pictures at everyone's house and then dinner and the dance. Shelby looked beautiful and Jerome...soooo handsome:)
This has turned out to be an amazing Senior year for Shelby!
Cowgirl boots are a must for prom!
"please don't poke me" squeals Jerome:)
Getting ready to leave