Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cooking Class Fun!

{Pic from gathering of friends website}

For those of you who don't know...I go to a cooking class called "Cooking with Brook" here in Daybreak, it's made up of a few ladies from the neighborhood and Brook my neighbor two doors down who teaches us everything food (she is the most unbelievable cook I have ever known)! We learn everything from how to make homemade chicken stock to bread making (I love the bread making!:) We recently started going to each others homes and teaching a skill we have ourselves (Look for my post from November, I chose decorating for is not a skill I have yet).
This month we took a field trip to Michelle Huxtables home...Michelle is the author of several AMAZING cookbooks "The gathering of friends" series. It was incredible for me...not just the cooking part but her home is beautiful! She has been a decorator/designer/home builder, ect. for 20+ years and what an amazing home she has. I didn't take any pics...trying to be respectful, but her cookbooks include pictures of place settings and many of those were taken in her home.
If your looking for an inspiring, makes you want to cook and entertain type book...I highly recommend any of her books. They are like mini works of art..and worthy of your coffee table or the perfect gift.
Visit for details on how to get her books.
Thank you to Michelle for opening her home and her heart to a bunch of "foodies", you are truly a gracious host and an incredible human being!

{pic from gathering of friends website}

Check out the "Cooking with Brook" blog for great recipes, fun pictures and ideas galore!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

So busy is still my middle name!

Yep I am still working non stop and when I am not working I am with my girls doing whatever they are doing... Violin concerts, Dance competitions, you name it we do it:)
But today (Sunday) I am taking back for myself...reading, blogging, planning, and a quick phone call to my mom!
I am currently in the middle of planning out my yard...or should I say yards:) both side yards and the front (I live in Daybreak and we don't have backyards, we have garages and alleys) This might seem a little obsessive since it's really not "spring" yet but I must submit my plans to the Daybreak gods and hope for their approval:) I am not planning anything to elaborate but I really want a beautiful space...I have included one of the pictures that is giving me inspiration and as I find more I will post them too. This should be a fun summer, not only living in Daybreak with tons to do everyday but also a whole new house and yard to make mine...stay tuned!
I have a walkway just like this from our front yard to our side yard, I also have the exact same rock what else do I need? These beautiful plants and a green thumb is all! We will see what I can do:)